
A Student In Need (CHAPTER 9)

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The world spun wildly as he lost his balance and crumbled to the ground. The ringing in his ears was deafening as he scrambled to get upright as he felt his stomach bubble and churn. He vomited again, gagging and sobbing as more of the horrible bile filled his mouth with it’s horrible acidic metallicy taste. Above him he could hear coach talking. “30 laps it is Raphael.”





Mikey groaned and caught the punching bag as it swung towards him. Leaning into the bag he rested his forehead against the hide while behind him Leo spoke.

“You’re getting better Mikey.”

Mikey grinned but did not move from his spot clutching the bag for support. His arms wobbled slightly as he struggled to maintain his grip. How was it that punching a hide bag was so tiring to him? Behind him Leo chuckled.


Mikey nodded into the bag. A moment he slowly dropped to his knees before dropping completely to the ground with a small moan. Sweat dotted his skin and his gi was making him feel incredibly hot right now.

“How about we call it a day?”

Mikey nodded but did not get up from the floor. His arm felt like they had weights attached to them as he took in lungfuls of air.

“you ok?”

Leo’s tone was softer now, less ‘teacherly’ and more like a friend. Slowly Mikey nodded.

“yeah……my arms are just sore.”

He looked sideways as Leo slowly sat down next to him.

“I used to get that way too. Some days after training I could hardly move my arms cause they were so sore.”

Mikey nodded slowly.


 Leo shrugged. “But my teacher showed me something that helped……..would you like me to show you?”

Mikey nodded but winced as his arms pulsed with a dull ache. Leo shifted moving behind Mikey before gently gripping Mikey’s shoulders, pulling him up so his shell rested against Leo’s chest while Leo’s hands gently gripped one of Mikey’s aching arms. Leo felt Mikey groan as his hands begin to press and rub Mikey’s arms. he felt Mikey tense slightly as he pressed firmly against Mikey’s aching muscles.

“shhhh……just relax. ok?”

 He felt Mikey nod as he continued to press and rub his arm. He felt Mikey shift a little closer. He could smell it now, that alluring intoxicating scent that Mikey gave off that drove every thought out of his brain but those of the young turtle. Gently he traced Mikey’s muscles doing his best to focus on his task, massaging Mikey’s tired and sore arms. The muscles in Mikey’s arms relaxed as blood rushed through them in response to the massage. Mikey groaned a little, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment.


Mikey nodded but did not open his eyes as he allowed his head to gently roll back onto Leo’s shoulder. Leo felt himself shudder as a fresh wave of that amazingly sweet smell engulfed him. Gently he pulled Mikey closer, wrapping his arms around the younger turtle’s chest. His breaths had become short and a little ragged. Gently he nuzzled Mikey’s neck, inhaling more of the young turtle’ gloriously sweet smell, filling his lungs until they hurt before exhaling against Mikey’s neck making the younger turtle groan.


He felt Mikey shift, his head going back a little further exposing more of the flesh that was giving off that intoxicating scent. In the back of his mind Leo knew what was happening; they were scent basking. He nuzzled Mikey’s neck again, god how could the young turtle smell so good? Mikey’s chest rumbled as he let out a low ‘churr’, which Leo met without thinking with his own ‘churr’; making the air vibrate as the two sounds mixed together.

“Leo……you smell…….amazing.”

As that was rolling off of Leo’s skin. Both turtles quivered slightly as again they let off gentle ‘churrs’ that shook the air around them. There was arousal yes, but it wasn't sexual in nature. It wasn't about a NEED, it was a want. The want to fill their minds with absolutely nothing but the other. Both of them groaned and nuzzled each other inhaling as much of the other’s scent as they could. Leo’s mind felt like it was in a fog, all he could think about was the young turtle he held in his arms. Every sense he had was filled with nothing but Mikey.


 Mikey moaned as he felt something hot and wet gently run along the side of his neck making his entire body shudder slightly.

“Leo…..what ar-AHHHH!”

 again Leo slowly drew his tongue over Mikey’s neck making the young turtle moan and quiver. Leo’s nostrils flared, searching the young turtle’s skin inhaling more and more of his scent until he found what he was looking for. He felt Mikey flinch and shudder as his lips began to suckle against the patch of skin.


Mikey was panting now, dull pleasure rumbling through his body as Leo sucked and licked at the patch of skin on his neck. This kind of pleasure was unlike anything he’d felt before; it was not white hot and burning but a dull throb that seemed to pulse through his body getting stronger and stronger with each pulse. He shuddered as Leo continued, sucking the patch of skin until it tingled and itched. It was heaven for Leo, who gripped Mikey tighter as he worked, sucking and licking the skin until it had turned bright red. Only then did he stop, burying his nose against Mikey’s neck and inhaling his scent again.

“I love you.”

He felt Mikey shift turning his head so they could look at each other.

“I love you to Leo.”

 The kiss was gentle, neither of them tried to push it further into anything sexual. They didn’t need it, the simple and gentle kiss communicated everything they wanted to say to the other. As they broke apart of it was Mikey’s turn to bury his nose against Leo’s neck, inhaling as much of the older turtle’s musk as he could. Slowly a smile covered Mikey’s face as warmth began to spread through his body. He felt happy, safe and most of all loved. Again he nuzzled Leo’s neck. For how long they stayed like this neither of them was sure, it could have been minutes, it could have been hours, it could have been forever. Time simply lost meaning to them as they nuzzled and clung to each other. Leo groaned as he felt Mikey’s breath brush against his neck. But their time of closeness was ended by the sound of the telephone, making Leo groans as he slowly pulled away. He knew who was calling; he’d been sure to call almost every night for the past 2 weeks. He watched as Mikey got up and walked across the room before answering the phone with a chuckle.

“Raph you’re such a cock block.”

Mikey smiled at Leo who slowly got up and left the dojo allowing Mikey to have his privacy. On the other end of line Raph growled slightly.

“Sounds like I called just in time. Do I need to come over then and make sure nothing happens?”

Mikey bushed as he rubbed his neck where Leo had left the bright red hicky.

“Raph I’m 19. I can have sex if I want to.”

again Raph growled.

“Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Mikey smiled into the phone.

“I know……….but I love Leo, and he loves me.”

again he ran his fingers over the bright red mark on his neck. Unconsciously he moaned as the memory of Leo’s lips on his neck flooded his mind.


Raph's voice was almost a shout. Mikey nervously shook his head forgetting that Raph couldn't see him.

“no…no, I’m just…….I’m tired. Leo was showing me how to throw a punch today, and my arms are sore.”

He didn’t have to see Raph to know his eyebrow was raised.

“throw a punch? Hell Mikey I could teach you that.”

Mikey smiled.

“He’s teaching me ninjitsu Raph; can you teach me that?”

Raph chuckled.

“no, I guess not.”

Mikey nodded.

“how are you doing Raph?”

Raph was silent for several moments before speaking.


something is Raph's voice told Mikey he was lying.

“Raph……..don’t lie to me.”

Raph sighed.

“I’m not lying Mikey. Things have been ok. I’m holding a C in trig-class, I’ve been sleeping over at Casey’s place so I don't kill everyone in the frat-house and I haven’t flipped out and hurt anyone at practice. I’m doing about as well as I can all things considered.”

After a moment of silence Raph sighed again.

“I…….I wish things were different. I wish……..I wish I hadn’t walked out like that.”

Mikey bit his lip. He wanted to say it was ok, but in truth he still felt a small twinge of pain in his chest when he remembered the completely blank look on Raph's face as he’d gotten up and simply walked out of the restaurant. After another moment Mikey spoke.

“How… about this weekend, we hang out? Maybe walk around the mall for a while?” Raph chuckled.

“I’d love that Mikey.”

Mikey smiled, happy that Raph sounded a bit happier. The rest of the conversation was short, Raph asking Mikey how his classes were doing while poking while Mikey questioned Raph about his classes.

“well……..i guess I should get going. Smells like Casey is burning the food again so I guess I better go help him before he burns the apartment down. Goodnight Mikey.”

Mikey smiled, “goodnight Raph.”

Hanging up the phone Mikey smiled to himself as he put the phone back on its charger before turning out the lights and leaving the dojo. He moved through the house glancing at the windows which had turned a faint orangey red color. Pushing open the door to Leo’s bedroom Mikey watched as Leo finished pulling on a shirt that matched his pajama bottoms before smiling at him.

“How’s Raph?”

Mikey smiled.

“We’re gunna go to the mall this weekend.”

Leo smiled.

“Good. I’m glad you two are going to spend some time together.”

Mikey nodded and moved dropping himself down onto the bed before speaking.


 his voice trailed off in thought. Leo turned to look at him, a faint look of concern across his face.

“What is it?”

Mikey bit his lip before speaking.

“I’m worried about Raph. I……I know he says he’s ok, but…….but I know him. He’s…….he’s not ok.”

Mikey shifted slightly, leaning his head against Leo’s shoulder as the older turtle sat down next to him on the bed.

“Do you think he’s in danger?” the question made Mikey look up at Leo who spoke calmly. After several moments Mikey shook his head.

“no……I don't think so. But I’m still worried about him. he’s not the best and containing his emotions, or asking for help when he needs it.”

Leo nodded and gently wound his hand into Mikey’s giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

“Do you think you can help him?”

again Mikey bit his lip.

“I…….I don't know.”

Leo nodded and again squeezed Mikey’s hand. Leaning in again Mikey rested the side of his head against Leo’s shoulder. A moment later he felt Leo kiss the top of his head.

“When you two hang out on the weekend, you can ask him face to face if there is anything wrong.”

Smiling, Mikey stood up and slowly set about changing into his pajamas before crawling into bed next to Leo. He smiled to himself as he felt Leo’s hands gently touch his hips. This happened every night. No matter how close he and Leo had become in the past few weeks Leo always showed a bit of hesitation when it came to being so close together in bed. His hand would first gently rest of Mikey’s hips, before he’d move in a little closer. Again Mikey smiled as he heard Leo take in a deep breath before moving in still closer; his hands gently running up Mikey’s chutes, making the young turtle giggle slightly. Leo froze at Mikey giggles.


Mikey shrugged and felt Leo move in, his chest finally touching Mikey’s shell. Again Leo inhaled a deep shuddering breath that made Mikey move; slowly rolling over until he was looking at Leo. Even in the dark Mikey could see that Leo’s face was tense. Gently Mikey moved his own hands going to Leo’s chest, rubbing the tense muscles before finding Leo’s heartbeat. He could feel Leo’s eyes on him, nervously watching him. It was always like this. During training Leo seemed to change; he became calm, collected…..eager to touch Mikey and correct his stances and moves. But outside of the dojo, again Leo would change. He was affectionate yes; but he was also nervous his movements slowly and tentative; almost unsure of what he was doing. Gently Mikey smiled at Leo who smiled weakly back at him.

“It’s ok Leo.”

He could see Leo biting his lip as his arms moved, slowly wrapping around Mikey’s shoulders pulling him in just a bit closer. Dimly Mikey wondered if Leo knew that he was shaking slightly.

“Goodnight Leo.”

Again Leo smiled weakly.

“Goodnight Mikey.”






Mikey groaned as the bell for the beginning of class rang. Dropping into his seat he tried to focus on the teacher; a balding badger who prattled endlessly about……..what was he talking about? Mikey shook his head, forcing himself to focus to on what the badger was saying.

“The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the …..”

Mikey groaned as his eyes drifted closed; why was math SOOOOO boring? Mikey slumped forward dropping his head onto his desk, and groaning. Seriously how was any of this supposed to help him? Hell he didn’t even know what kind of a job he wanted when he was done with college. Groaning again Mikey sat up and tried to focus on what his teacher was trying to teach him. Time seemed to drag on and on until finally the bell signaling the end of class rang. He was up and out of his seat so fast that he almost didn’t hear the teacher telling them what their homework was. Racing through the hallways Mikey skidded to a stop in front of the cafeteria before scanning the various vendors until he found the one he was looking for. Rushing over to the sandwich vendor Mikey was soon walking away with a small grin on his face as he carted with him a ham and cheese sandwich with extra pickles and olives. Dropping down into a chair Mikey began eating, pausing only when a large reptilian form walked towards him. Swallowing his bite Mikey waved and grinned and leatherhead dropped down into the chair across from him before groaning and dropping his head against the table top. After a moment leatherhead spoke; his voice rumbling slightly.

“how can you still have energy? It’s hardly past noon and I’m exhausted.”

 Mikey grinned and shrugged taking another bite of his sandwich before responding.

“I’ve always got energy.”

Leatherhead groaned and shifted leaning back in his chair fixing Mikey with a look of amusement. After a moment Mikey offered the alligator half of his sandwich which leatherhead took and bit into it. After a moment leatherhead spoke.

“You know…’re happier than usual. What’s going on?”

Mikey grinned and bit into the sandwich again before speaking.

“What happens on Friday?”

Leatherhead was silent as he thought for a moment before speaking,

“um……..last day of the week?”

Mikey rolled his eyes and spoke.

“No. it’s the 31st; October 31st. it’ll be Halloween.”

Leatherhead’s eyes widened slightly as a faint grin spread across his face.

“You’re gunna pull pranks of people?”

but Mikey shook his head; what he had in mind was less…….childish.

“Nope…..I’m just excited for the costume I’m gunna wear.”

 Leatherhead cocked his head.

“What are you gunna be?”

but Mikey shook his head.

“Sorry…….but the costume isn’t for others to see. It’s only for one person.”

Leatherhead continued to look confused as Mikey finished eating before beginning on his math homework only stopping when the bell signaling that lunch break was over sounded. Cramming his books back into his bag Mikey waved to leatherhead as he ran down the hall towards his favorite class, Japanese studies with Leo. Skidding into the class Mikey gave Leo a big grin, dropping himself down into his desk and waiting for the class to start. While all the other students groaned and did their best to at least look like they were paying attention Mikey sat rapt with attention as Leo spoke. There was something about Leo, some kind of calmness that covered him when he taught his class. He moved around the room with absolute confidence his movements precise and captivating while he talked about the ancient culture. Several times Leo’s eyes would flick over Mikey who would feel his face go a bit red as for a moment he remembered how good it had felt when Leo and he kissed; when their bodies pressed against each other and……. But Mikey shook his head, no now not the time for such thoughts, not when they could possibly get Leo into trouble. He’d looked up the punishment of fraternizing with a student; his heart had clenched as he read over the words ‘immediate termination’. So he'd keep these thoughts at bay; the memories of Leo’s lips and body against his…..shaking his head ago Mikey turned his focus back to Leo’s lesson. Scribbling down notes on what Leo was saying Mikey almost didn’t hear the bell signaling the end of class ring; as the other students filed out of the classroom Mikey stayed behind, pretending to busy himself with his bag until he was the only student left in the room with Leo. Only then did he stand up and move towards Leo’s desk, smiling at the older turtle who smiled back up at him a small blush playing across his green skin.


Leo was silent for a moment the blush on his face getting darker.


 Mikey smiled at Leo’s obvious embarrassment.

“I just wanted you to know I’m going to run an errand today after school. so I’ll be taking the bus back to the house.”

Leo looked at him curiously.

“What kind of errand?”

Mikey grinned but shrugged.

“it’s a surprise for Halloween.”

Leo continued to look at him for a moment before speaking.

“Ok thank you for telling me. I’ve got some stuff to catch up on here, so I may be home late.”

Mikey nodded.

“Ok, I’ll see you when you get home.”

Smiling at Leo Mikey left the room moving down the hallways and towards the part of school that the local bus systems dropped off and picked up students. Running at full speed Mikey managed to catch his bus just as it was pulling away from the curb. Flashing his student badge Mikey dropped down into his seat gasping for breath as the bus drove along its route; stopping every so often when a person needed to get on or off. Pulling the signal Mikey quickly got off the bus and began walking. He was downtown now. In the last 2 weeks the city had begun to change. All around him the large trees that dotted the sidewalks and parks had changed from green to shades of orange and reds; while the air became crisper making him tug his jacket closer to his body as he sped up slightly. Crossing the street Mikey felt a smile spread across his face as he hurried towards his destination; a large costume shop that had been opened up in the normally empty store front. Stepping through the door Mikey smiled at the greeter who was wearing a clown costume. Moving through the eyes Mikey’s eyes flitted over the various costumes; clowns, werewolves, vampires, and various other characters. But he passed by them searching for 2 specific costumes, stopping only when he found them. Pulling the packages off the racks Mikey moved towards the back of the shop passing a collection of foam skeletons; only to smile at the person who stood in front of the changing rooms.

Handing the girl one of the costumes Mikey watched as she opened the package before pulling out the costume, smiling at him as she did so. After a moment she looked at him a slightly confused look on her face.

“This costume……’s for a girl.”

Mikey nodded.

“I know…..”

 he let his voice trail off, making the girl’s eyes widen slightly as she handed him the costume.

“You can take room 2.”

Nodding Mikey moved to one of the changing rooms, closing the door behind him and beginning to strip down to his underwear. His hands shook slightly as he pulled of his shirt exposing his chest and arms. His eyes roved over his body, noting that his arms had more muscles to them then they had 3 months ago. His smile widened as he pulled down his pants giggling slightly at the odd little dance he did to get his pants over his hips. Picking up the costumes Mikey held the smooth fabric against his skin making not that he had grabbed the correct size. Pulling the fabric over his head Mikey shuddered as the cool silk rubbed against his skin. Making sure the costume was on correctly Mikey again giggled as he looked at his reflection in a large mirror that hung on the wall. His plan for Halloween was coming together. Pulling the costume off Mikey pulled his normal clothes back on before leaving the changing room, before picking up the second costume he’d pulled from the rack; moving to another shelf Mikey found several small packs of costume make up that would work with his costume before making his way to the front counter to pay. Soon he left the shop hurrying back across the street before dropping down onto a small bench and waited for the bus to return and take him back to the college; where he would then take another bus that would drop him off a block or so from Leo’s house.

As he walked through the neighborhood Mikey found his eyes scanning the various houses, taking in the decorations that had been put out to celebrate Halloween. Tombstones stood erect in several front yards while other houses were wrapped up like mummies in fake spider webs; and in one case a giant black spider sitting perched on top of one of the houses. Smiling to himself Mikey walked up the steps of Leo’s home while his hands dug around in his pocket for the spare key Leo had given him. Pulling out the small piece of metal Mikey looked down at it, smiling as the memory of Leo giving him the key; telling him the house was his home now. It had been around that time he’d fallen truly in love with the older turtle. It wasn't just that Leo had been kind, I was that he genuinely wanted to help Mikey get better. But it was also more than that it was the feeling that he belonged here with Leo. That he was meant to be here. Unlocking the front door Mikey stepped into the house……his home. Slowly he took off his shoes before moving down the hallway towards his room so he could stash he things he’d bought. As he pushed open the door he paused; it had been almost a month since he’d been in this room last. Setting the costumes in his closet Mikey paused slightly as his eyes flitted over the various shirts,  pants and other clothes in his closet. He felt an odd sensation of his heart clenching as he found that they were mostly Leo’s old clothes that he’d been barrowing; mixed in with the occasional article of clothing that Leo had bought for him. Again his heart clenched as he slowly looked around the room. His eyes roved over the alarm clock that Leo had bought him, the skateboard, a few small action figures……..all of them bought by Leo as gifts.

Mikey swallowed roughly as a he felt a rock well up in his throat which had gone suddenly dry. Leo was taking care of him. His chest ached slightly as he felt his eyes begin to water. How much money had Leo spent on him; on the clothes he liked, the food he ate or the extra use of power and water? How much money was he costing Leo? Mikey’s breaths began ragged as his sides heaved slightly. Was he a burden to Leo? He felt tears well up in his eyes as that thought echoed in his mind. He was a burden to Leo. How much money had Leo spent on him since he’d started staying with him? Again his heart clenched as he looked around the room at all the things Leo had bought for him. Slowly he sank down until he was sitting on the floor. Yes, he had a little bit of money; what was left over after he had paid for his classes and books; but it wasn't much maybe a few hundred dollars. Again Mikey swallowed; painfully aware of just how tight his throat felt. He could try and give Leo some money……to pay him back at least some of what the older turtle had spent on him but Mikey had a nagging suspicion that Leo would reject any money Mikey offered him. Slowly he began to rock back and forth; things had been going so well. The last few weeks had been like a dream to him; he’d been happy. When Leo would smile at him it made him feel warm and happy; was Leo happy too, or was he pretending?


Leo’s voice echoed through the house making Mikey flinch slightly. He could hear Leo moving through the house, looking for him. he drew his legs against his chest as Leo appeared in the doorway. Leo’s face changed becoming concerned as he slowly entered the room.

“Mikey? Mikey what’s wrong?”

Mikey sniffed loudly; keenly aware of the silent tears that trickled down his face. He watched as Leo moved across the room and knelt down next to him. Mikey shuddered as Leo slowly wrapped his arms around his shoulder before pulling him in closer.

“Come on Mikey……talk to me. What’s wrong?”

Mikey sniffed loudly before managing to speak.

“it’s……it’s all your.”

 Leo looked at him still unsure of what was upsetting him.

“Mikey….. I don't understand. What’s all mine?”

Mikey sniffed again gestured half heartedly to the room, “everything.”

 Leo sighed, he still didn’t understand.

“Mikey I don't-”

but his words were cut off as Mikey shoved him away and then began tearing at his clothing, ripping his shirt and pants off his body before hurling them away.

“Mikey, what’s going on?”

Leo’s voice was a little firmer now. Mikey took several deep breaths remember that when he got upset in therapy Donnie would have him breath in and out through his mouth.

“I……I….. am I burden to you?”

Leo blinked slightly stunned before shaking his head.

“no. you’re not a burden to me Mikey.”

He moved slowly going back to Mikey. He didn’t move to touch Mikey; 2 months living with the young turtle had taught him when and when not to touch Mikey.

He watched as Mikey took another deep breath.

“I…..I feel like I’m a burden to you.”

Leo cocked his head, “why do you feel that?”

 Mikey inhaled again.

“because all I do is eat your food, use your power, and I don't give you anything in return. I mean……I could……maybe…..”

but Leo cut him off as he saw that hallow epty look starting to form in Mikey’s eyes. When he spoke his voice firm without a hint of doubt or room for negotiations.


Mikey looked up at him.

“Why not? It’s about the only thing I can do for you.”

Leo sighed.

“If I wanted that from you I would have taken you up on your offer the first night. But I don't want ‘sex’ from you.”

Mikey watched as Leo took his own deep breath.

“I want to love you.”

Mikey bit his lip as he felt his heart flutter; even now Leo cared about him. He watched as Leo shifted closer, stopping when he sat next to Mikey. Slowly he reached up wrapping his arms around the young turtle’s shoulders.

“I get what you’re saying Mikey. You feel like this relationship is one-sided. Right?”

Mikey nodded. Leo smiled.

“Well then that’s a simple fix. For now why don't we make it so once a week or so, you cook dinner?”

Mikey smiled weakly.

“I…..I don't know how to make much. Grilled cheese sandwiches are about the only thing I can make really well.” Leo shrugged.

“I like grilled cheese. But maybe I could teach you to make a few other things?”

Mikey nodded, “ok. I’d like that.”

After another moment Mikey spoke.

“I think……I think I’m also going to look for a job. Not a full time one……..but something that would give me a little money.”

Leo nodded.

“I think that’s a good idea.”

Mikey smiled weakly; his smile returned by a much stronger smile from Leo who gently kissed his forehead.

“When something like this bothers you just tell me Mikey. I want you to be happy. Ok?”

Mikey nodded, his smile becoming a bit stronger.


He moved helping Mikey get to his feet before handing him back the clothes he’d thrown away. as Mikey pulled them back on he spoke.

“I did get you a little something for Halloween.”

Leo cocked his head.

“Halloween? But I wasn't going to do anything for Halloween.”

Mikey shook his head.

“Well I guess that’s changed. I bought you a costume that I know you’ll love and I have the whole night planned out.”

Leo bit his lip nervously.

“what kind of costume?”

Mikey grinned.

“you’ll just have to wait another week to find out.”

well folks here is chapter 9.
i hope everyone likes it.



© 2014 - 2024 gameguy199
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donniesgirl456's avatar
Whare is the last one?:O